you and I eating raspberries in the forest

video, 2023, 18min27
directors : Léa Tissot-Laura & Anna Sougy
3D : Anna Sougy
music : Léa Tissot-Laura
camera/photography : Léa Tissot-Laura & Anna Sougy
inspired by Phenomena, Dario Argento, 1985
with the support of Dogo Residenz and Région Grand Est
filmed images, 3D, color pencils, oil paintings

Lors d’une promenade dans la campagne de Lichtensteig,
je me suis laissée guider par les mouches,
et l’empreinte de leurs pattes est venue dessiner les notes de musique sur ma partition.

During a walk in the Lichtensteig countryside, I let myself be guided by the flies, and the imprint of their legs came to draw the musical notes on my score